Time to Network At CFF 2022!
A chance to connect with other creatives from across Cornwall and here about the festival and other news.
This free event is open to all to spread the word far and wide.
After networking why not join us at The Poly for this year's screening of 'Best of the West' a shortlist of films from this year's Short Film Competition from the South West region?
Wednesday 16th Nov | 6pm

Dolly's Tea Room & Gin Palace
Talk with Tolkien Illustrator,
Alan Lee
Wednesday 16th Nov | 6pm
In partnership with Falmouth Bookseller & The Poly we are delighted to be welcoming Tolkien illustrator Alan Lee to Falmouth for a talk on the publication of THE FALL OF NÚMENOR.
Lee is a renowned fantasy illustrator known for his illustrations bringing to life the world of Middle-Earth, and his Academy Award-winning work on The Lord of the Rings film trilogy. He’ll be joining us to discuss his work and his contributions to the latest illustrated Tolkien compendium THE FALL OF NÚMENOR and Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-Earth by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Brian Sibley.
Alan Lee will be signing copies of THE FALL OF NÚMENOR at Falmouth Bookseller immediately after the event. Additional backlist titles will also be available for purchase at the shop on the night.
Alan will be at the bookshop for approximately 1.5 hours immediately after the talk. Priority will be to event ticket holders but there should be ample time for additional signing attendees. Please keep your ticket stubs after the event as we will use these to ensure priority access to the signing. Guests will be allowed a maximum of 3 items to be signed.

Street Photography
Mor Media is working with Photoworks and Historic England to invite you to look at the high street as never before. Together we are asking you to uncover the stories behind the shopfronts and post your own photographs on Instagram using #PicturingHighStreets. Your photos will contribute to an unofficial photographic archive of the English high street; charting and celebrating the history and experiences of the people and places that make up an often-overlooked fixture in all our lives.
The most evocative photographs will be featured on the Picturing High Streets Instagram channel. A selection of photographs submitted before 6 December 2022 will be displayed in a national outdoor exhibition opening in March 2023 filling advertising space, outdoor exhibition panels and shop windows on high streets across England. These photographs – alongside a selection of others submitted from January 2023 onwards – will also enter the Historic England Archive, the nation’s archive for England’s historic buildings, archaeology and social history. Join us during the Film Festival week to work on the themes of either High Street Hang Outs or Hidden Histories. Bring your camera (anything from a smartphone, tablet up to a DSLR) and we will guide you in the art of street photography.
Picturing the high street.
Sunday 19th Nov | 2pm